
Anti Leprosy Campaign facilitate Capacity Building and Awareness Programs, Contact Tracing, House to House Surveys, Ring surveys and Help Line Service as the preventive services. The main objective of the following services is to increase the new case detection and to reduce the stigma against leprosy.


Special Surveys

Ring Surveys and House to House Surveys House to House surveys and Ring Surveys are special surveys that are used in leprosy surveillance. They are conducted by identifying the hot spots of leprosy and by GIS Mapping.

Capacity Building Programs

It is essential to conduct capacity building programs to both preventive and curative health staff for early detection of  new leprosy cases.

Leprosy Awareness Programs for Health Staff and General Public

  Leprosy Awareness Programs are important for early detection of new leprosy   patients   and to prevent the deformities

Contact Tracing

Contact tracing is mandatory to identify cases among the close contacts of the index case. It is recommended to conduct periodic contact tracing to ensure detection of all leprosy cases that could be developed subsequently.

Leprosy Help line Service

Leprosy Help line Service is an important initiative to increase the new case detection of leprosy.

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