About Us

Our Story

ALC is the focal point in the Ministry of Health in preventive, curative and rehabilitative services of leprosy in Sri Lanka. Currently ALC is working towards achieving the interruption of transmission of Leprosy in a sustainable manner in the country.


The main functions of ALC are to formulate policies and guidelines, program planning ,monitoring and evaluation. National level Leprosy surveillance is a main activity of ALC. Provision of technical guidance and conduction of awareness programmes , capacity building programmes to achieve the elimination targets are carried out by the ALC. The central Leprosy clinic at NHSL and Hendala Leprosy Hospital are operating under the directorate of ALC.

The Anti-Leprosy Campaign (ALC) is the focal point of the Ministry of Health in charge of all leprosy-related activities in Sri Lanka. It was established in 1954 under the Department of Health.


With the vision of Leprosy free Sri Lanka currently ALC is working towards to achieve the state of interruption of transmission. All the Leprosy preventive and curative activities are coordinated by the ALC.


Surveillance is one of the main areas of concern in Leprosy control in the country. Based on the surveillance data ALC is responsible to provide technical guidance to district Leprosy control teams. As per the National strategic plan 2021-2025 programs are planned for the country. Preparation of policies, guidelines and Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for Leprosy is one responsibility of ALC.


Capacity building of health care workers and public awareness are major areas of concern of the ALC.  In addition, research development to generate evidence on Leprosy is a responsibility of the campaign.

Intersectoral coordination with other stakeholders for the prevention of Leprosy is of important. Hence ALC is maintaining cordial relationships with other sectors including education, public administration and local government. World Health Organization and other NGOs provide support for leprosy preventive and curative activities by maintaining good relationship with the ALC. Leprosy preventive activities are carried out by the district leprosy control teams including Consultant Community Physicians, Regional Epidemiologist, Medical Officers of Health, leprosy control Public Health Inspectors and the Range Public Health Inspectors under the supervision of the respective Regional Director of Health Service. The Central Leprosy Clinic (CLC) at the National Hospital Sri Lanka ( NHSL) is a walk through clinic functioning under the directorate of the ALC. All the dermatology clinics in the country provide diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitative facilities to the leprosy patients in the respective districts. Hendala leprosy hospital was established in 1708 and function under the directorate of ALC. Currently 25 leprosy inward patients are been given care at the leprosy hospital.



To strengthen the implementation of integrated leprosy services

  1. To Ascertain Increased Political Commitment
  2. To strengthen the program per the prioritization of districts
  3. To strengthen and develop national partnerships
  4. To build the capacity of general healthcare and other staff of the healthcare system 
  5. To enhance coverage of surveillance to all districts and strengthen data management systems
  6. To develop and implement monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and adverse drug reactions in central and district-level hospitals

To scale up leprosy prevention alongside integrated active case detection

  1. To improve coverage of contact tracing for all the new cases
  2. To scale up preventive chemotherapy
  3. To strengthen integrated active case-finding in targeted populations
  4. To promote research on existing and potential new vaccines

To manage leprosy and its complications and prevent new disability

  1. To improve early case detection, accurate diagnosis, and prompt treatment
  2. To improve access to comprehensive, well-organized referral facilities
  3. To improve diagnosis and management of leprosy reactions, neuritis, and disabilities
  4. To promote self-care by training, monitoring and supervision 
  5. To ascertain the mental well-being of affected persons through psychological first aid and therapeutic counselling

To combat stigma and ensure human rights are respected

  1. To adopt principles and guidelines for the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members
  2. To include organizations and networks of persons affected by leprosy in different committees, planning and implementation of leprosy services, e.g., disability care, counselling, referrals etc. 
  3. To ascertain amendment of discriminatory laws
  4. To establish a system to document and address the issues related to stigma and promote a reduction in communities
  5. To increase access of affected persons to social support and rehabilitation

Leprosy free Sri Lanka


To stop transmission of the disease and to plan and implement cost effective quality leprosy services to all persons affected with leprosy and to sustain such services to ensure reasonable quality of life to those affected

Director's Message

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the website of the Anti Leprosy Campaign, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. Leprosy control activities in Sri Lanka are coordinated by the Anti Leprosy Campaign (ALC). ALC has been guiding national and district level leprosy control teams towards the elimination of leprosy in Sri Lanka.


Currently, leprosy is a neglected tropical disease in Sri Lanka. We are working tirelessly to combat leprosy and reduce the social stigma that accompanies it. The ALC website plays a key role in creating awareness among the public as well as health staff. In addition, this website will be a good platform to highlight the program activities conducted by the ALC.


As the Director of the ALC, I am proud of the progress and achievements we have made in leprosy control in Sri Lanka. However, there are still areas that require attention. Leprosy elimination targets may not be achieved only with the work of the health sector. We need the support of other sectors, especially education and local government. This website may help build coordination with them by creating awareness and understanding their individual responsibilities in the journey towards the elimination targets. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by leprosy and work towards a future free from this devastating disease.

Dr. Nirupa Pallewatta
Director Anti-Leprosy Campaign