
The Anti-Leprosy Campaign offers comprehensive curative services for individuals diagnosed with leprosy. The Central Leprosy Clinic is a walk-in facility providing exclusive benefits for leprosy patients. This clinic offers diagnostic services including laboratory tests, treatment and rehabilitation services. It is also the national referral centre for leprosy, providing expertise for patients with disease complications. Healthcare workers are also given relevant training at this clinic. Regional Skin clinics, supervised by a Dermatologist, are situated in each district. These clinics are equipped with diagnostic facilities and offer treatment free of charge. Patients with leprosy are managed in these clinics and provided with physiotherapy, special footwear and appliances to correct their disabilities.


The Dutch founded Asia’s oldest leprosy hospital, Hendala, in 1708. Leprosy hospital accommodates patients who were admitted more than 4 decades ago, when effective treatment was not available. These patients have been cured now with the use of MDT but have lost ties with their original families thus remain with us. New patients who have practical difficulties in completing the course of treatment are also admitted the hospital until completing the treatment.


Central Leprosy Clinic

Our experienced doctors diagnose leprosy through clinical examination with the support of relevant laboratory tests. . We provide free multi drug therapy. Our rehabilitation services include physiotherapy, special footwear, and appliances. We coordinate financial assistance and livelihood support through relevant authorities


Regional Skin Clinics

Regional Skin Clinics of Anti Leprosy campaign offer services island-wide, with at least one clinic per district. Clinics are equipped with diagnostic tools like slit skin smear, skin biopsy, and supportive blood investigations. They provide MDT and other drugs, physiotherapy, special appliances, and footwear. CLC coordinates the procurement of leprosy-specific drugs other than MDT to regional clinics.


Leprosy Hospitals

Hendala hospital, one of the oldest leprosy hospitals in Asia established in 1708, provides care for over 30 patients who cannot complete MDT treatment and for chronic wounds due to leprosy. It was equipped to provide facilities to over 1000 patients when effective treatment was not available.


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that enhances the quality of your life