Our Services

Everything we do is centered on the people we serve. We work together to create effective, impactful programs. We can ensure that persons impacted by neglected leprosy illnesses receive the health treatment and community support they deserve with your help.

About Us

Since 1954, Anti-Leprosy Campaign (ALC) has been responsible for all leprosy-related activities in Sri Lanka, including policy-making, program planning, implementation, and research. Our government clinics offer free Multi drug therapy (MDT treatment), with the Central Leprosy Clinic providing walk-in services for all leprosy patients. Our team of healthcare professionals also conducts awareness programs, contact screening, and surveys to improve disease control.


An important milestone was reached in the year 1995, when the World Health Organization declared Sri Lanka has eliminated Leprosy as a public health problem.

Local Level Achievements

District Level Achievements